Keywords = The Holy Quran
The polysemy of the word "Tughyan" in the Holy Qur'an with a linguistic approach

Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2024, Pages 17-32


Mohammad Omar Qarizada; Mohammad Ali Salmani Marvast; Vesal Meymandi; Behnam Farsi

The Semantics of the word “Rijs” in the Holy Qurān Based on Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations

Volume 11, Issue 1, July 2022, Pages 21-42


Muhammad Mustafaei; Ghlamreza Raeisian; Hojatallh Hokmabadi

Content Analysis of Abraham Story's Teaching Methods in the Holy Quran

Volume 9, Issue 2, October 2020, Pages 21-30


Maedeh Khiweh; Mohammad Reza Sotudenia

On the Impact of Global Coherence on Translation Comprehension of the Holy Quran: A Case Study of PhD-ESP Learners

Volume 9, Issue 2, October 2020, Pages 31-36


Asghar Mehri; Sajjad Farokhipour; Seyyid Mostafa Sajjadi Dehkharghani

Semantic Diachronic _ Synchronic Word of Wind in the Holy Quran

Volume 7, Issue 1, September 2018, Pages 19-44


Fahimeh Ghorbani; Kobra Khosravi; Ali Nazari

Historical and Descriptive Semantics of “Sho’oub” in the Holy Quran

Volume 6, Issue 2, November 2017, Pages 67-78


Bahram Amanichakoli; Sara Najafi

Semantic field of "piety" in the Qur'an and its reflection in the Court of Sharif Razi

Volume 6, Issue 2, November 2017, Pages 79-102


Nasrollah Shameli; Ali Banaeiyan Esfahani; Faezeh Pasandi

Semantic Study of the Use of “Rezq” [sustenance] in the Holy Quran

Volume 6, Issue 2, November 2017, Pages 103-118


Asqar Hadavi; Mohammad Ali Khavanin Zadeh; Roshan Dehghani

Study of Radial Meanings of Context-Dependent Elements in Koranic Discourse

Volume 6, Issue 2, November 2017, Pages 199-218


Sayedeh Fateme Salimi; Cobra Rastgoo

Understanding the Concept of “Sultan” in the Holy Quran

Volume 6, Issue 1, April 2017, Pages 109-132


karam siyavoshi; ebrahim vakil

The rhetorical function of ellipsis and its impact on translating the holy Quran

Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2015, Pages 61-76

Asghar shahbazi; Hamid Ahmadian; Nasrollah Shameli